Standard Security Training courses are offered on the same days weekly:
Note: To register an employee for a TrueFire course, you will need either a Trial Pass or a Training Membership. Click here to learn more, then return to this page once you're signed up! To register one of your employees into a course: 1. Locate the DATE of the course you want to enroll your student on the Course Calendar below. Write down the date. 2. Click the "Schedule an Employee" button below to register your employees for a class. You will be taken to a registration form to fill in your employee's information. Enter the DATE of the course you want your employee to attend on that form. 3. You will receive a confirmation email for the registration. 4. Truefire Defense will contact the employee with instructions and directions to our training facility. After the course is completed, you will receive: 1. A certificate of completion for each student 2. Denver License Armed Endorsement forms for each student (if applicable) 3. A Personalized student evaluation form (measures course participation, leadership, and initiative) Note: Registrations for the following week must be received no later than 6pm the Friday before. |
Course Calendar |